Saturday, May 29, 2010


I had listened one podcast:
BBC Daily World News Service / 25.05.2010 /

I had listened the first part of the podcast, two times. I had faced some new words while listening the podcast, and tried simply to understand their meanings. 
Internet is really our "friend" and the following article is about the controlling "our friend" and restricting the appearance of some of its servers.

Internet is an essence part of most people's lives, all over the world. Everyone likes it, because it's unrestricted and wholly independent to "walk through our one of the best friend - internet". Most of us have never wished the controlling of "our friend".
But nowadays, most governments aim to control the World Wide Web, especially, China. As Chinese consist a 43% of all net users, all over the world.
The main objective in controlling the internet, or net restricting, for most countries, is to fight against dangerous information, such as pornography. In addition, Pakistan restricts anti Islamic comments, and Iran restricts political materials. USA, as one of the biggest net user, suggests the internet companies to restrict the services, some. 
As it was mentioned, net has beautiful and harmful sides. The beauty of net is that, it's open to everyone is same familiar in WWW. On other hand, it has harmful sides, that as for more users, the aren't dangerous, at all. And that's why, there appear two opposite tendency: governments, that aim to restrict the independence of WWW, and users, that won't be simply agree with the governments.
In spite of these, some companies, such as Apple, think, the consumers prefer the controlled WWW. Though the absolutely effective result hasn't given yet, Apple and some other companies have already practiced the controlled net system in produced technologies.
       But, nowadays, controlling in the Information Technologies sphere is going to be improved and this tendency will be continued in the future, too.

                                               Thank you for attention!

China and the Euro

Here is the podcast, I listened:
BBC Daily World News Service / 28.05.2010 /

I had listened only the first part of the podcast, three times.  As usual, there had been some unclear words an phrases, whic I faced while listening to this podcast. Even there had been unclear words, that I hadn't been able to understand at all.On the whole, the given problems is too interesting and really actual. And it worth reading and treating.
So, as for me this article will interest you, too.

      Though China could survive in the crisis, some countries of the Eurozone haven't survived yet. And the Euro crisis makes particular problems in economic life of both China and the EU. As the EU is the China's biggest trading partner, in China businesses are troubled by the problems in the Eurozone. As for some businessmen, the main problem is the deficit of demand  in Europe, for the exported goods. Some companies are seriously affected by the problems in the EU, and some others are still fighting against the results of the financial crisis. At the result, during this period, profits of most companies have come down.
      The reason, why most Chinese companies face disadvantage, is the economic situation in the big European countries, such as, France, Germany and Netherlands. Because, the countries, mentioned above, are the main consumers of the chinese companies.
       But in fact, most business operations are run in US dollars, that's why, the Euro crisis hasn't been able to damage the Chinese economy. 
      On other hand, in spite of everything, the Euro crisis doesn't affect the effort of the central European nations th join the single currency blog - the Euro. The question is, why the countries still want to join the Euro!? Specialists explain this situation, so: "It's a right choice for small economies to be within Eurozone, since common monetary policy should help the countries in long term perspectives.

                                        Thank you for attention!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Japan's Falling Prices.

I had listened one podcast:
BBC Daily World News Service / 23.04.2010 /

I had listened only the first part of the podcast, as the second part isn't relevant to the Japan economy. Though there had been some difficulties while understanding the whole podcast, the news seemed  too interesting to me. I had also faced some new and unknown words while listening. Even there had been unclear words, that I hadn't been able to understand at all.
So, I thing this news to be interesting for you, and suggest you to read the following article.

"The land of the rising sun seems faced to be the land of falling prices".
As we know falling prices hit company profits and they face real increase of the burden of debts. The price falling in economy deters new investment, too. In this deflationary (anti-inflation or price falling) period in Japan, prices are falling and people prefer spending. For ex., in the center of Tokyo, in front of some restaurants appeared long queues of people, who are ready to pay for cheaper lunch. Of course, this assures the restaurants making more profit, according to the location (center, far from center, ... ). Even one of the restaurants is thought to get a 40% increase if profit from the usual time. 

And, why Japan seems to do nothing against the following prices? 
As it's clear, consumer savings are the main factors, that cause the crisis. And when prices were high in Japan, consumers' expectations were so low that, they didn't want to spend, but preferred simply, to save their money and as it was mentioned, this was a real problem for the Japan economy. But now, Japanese prefer spending to saving, and this means, there is no another real crisis problem for Japan. In other words, the situation is likely to be good in the rising sun country. But this is WRONG! 
The fact is, falling prices cause another problem: "Government debts". When a similar situation happened in Europe, after 2 years governments faced very great debts. The question is, "Will the same occur with the Japan government and economy?" 

The opinions of experts: 
Japan created great welfare in 1980 - 1990 period. Then Japan had been able to cover all government debts thanks to the banking deposits. That's why, now Japan doesn't feel any urgency to treat the "problem". In reality, it's going into debt. If Japan can't finance its debts, there will rise a great problem . "Great crash of Japan is possible. And between next 5-10 years there might be implosion in the Japanese economy".  

What possible ways of treating the problem does exist? 
Though,  Japan owns the II biggest economy in the World, it also has some negative sides. One of them is "Japan's constancy". Of course, it is developing, it makes difference, but it doesn't change the economic system, that is related to Japan's ancient culture. In Europe changing had given good results. And Japan might simply change for solving the present and future problems. 

                                        Thank you for attention!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Corruption - is it good or bad ?

The given article has been published in the basis of The BBC Daily World News Service.  

   The questions discussed in this podcast are:
1. Corruption, economy and living standards.
2. Why some economists think corruption to be a good thing?
3. Which are the best ways of minimizing the corruption?

I. Probably everyone knows that corruption is one of the main barriers against the improvement of economy. It makes the policy of the government weaker and of course decreases the level of social provision of the population of a country. In the report of The Human Rights Watch organization about the living standards in Angola we can see the negative effect of corruption on social life of Angolans. According to this report: "Although Angola is one of the biggest oil producing countries of the Saharan Africa, big part of its population lives in famine and disadvantage. The per day oil production in Angola is 1,8 million barrels and the price is 70-80 $ for each barrel. This means that Angola is already a rich country". 
The Angolans say: "Who has money, lives well", "We don't feel any benefit from the side of profitable organizations".
But there is a real fact that the government spends much money on making the living standards of the Angolans better. And main question: How effectively is this money spent? Is it spent on direct objectives or is it rush into someone's pocket? 
Most economists think that right corruption creates such bad situation in Angola.

II. As viewed by some economists, corruption is an activator (a catalyst) of economic growth. (WHAT?) For example: If you want to provide your products to sellers or smb. else or to export them, you would give a particular sum of money to relevant people. In other words, you will be a direct participant of corruption and will provide your goods sooner and sure this will increase the efficiency. These economists even consider that, the present high level economic situation of some countries, such as China, Indonesia and Thailand, has been provided with the help of corruption. 

III. As it was mentioned above, corruption isn't really a good thing and most countries are looking for the methods of fighting against it. As for some economists, the best dictator , who could fight against the corruption is  the leader, who can create stability in business environment of the country. Otherwise, corruption will create more advantages for expanding of the dirty business, like as mafia and so on... 
                            Thank you for attention!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Sanctions against Iran

The given article has been written on basis of BBC Daily News. 
 The treated questions are:
"Modern condition of Iran Economy"
"Sanctions against Iran"
"How do the sanctions influence on the Iran Economic System?" 

   First let's look through the common condition of Iran Economy. So, it's clear that Global Economic Crisis is making most countries' economic systems weaken. This concerns Iran, too. The main economic problem is as ever "Inflation". So, President A. Nejat had proposed to cut the subsidies, but the Parliament had disagreed with that and reinstated the subsidies. Despite this decision, prices are still going on rising and the Iran Parliament worries that this can increase the inflation annually to 50%.  But inflation is not only fur, but also too relative to Iran, as this country had been suffered because of up to 20% inflation  for years.

 II  The second basic question is "Sanctions against Iran". In 2007 Iran satisfied The Nuclear Program with The International Organizations and some countries. According to this agreement, Iran was obliged to use The Nuclear Program for peaceful purposes. But now, some countries such as The USA, Israel, oppose this program, adducing that the Iran Government rules a close nuclear program and it's not completely for peaceful, but for military purposes. That's why this countries, concerning most European countries apply lot's of sanctions in Iran. Main kinds are: economical and military sanctions. In other words, Iran must be abstracted from the external economical and political relations. The basic target of these sanctions is "to achieve the peace among the countries and preserve it".  

  III  And the last question is "How do the sanctions influence on the Iran Economic System?"  While treating this question we must take into consideration two main positions: Anti-Iranian and Iranian. The only distinction between these positions is in treating the consequence of sanctions. 
First let's look through the influence. So, economical sanctions have still influenced more. The target of this policy is "freezing" the Iran's Financial system.  Because of this this sanction most Iran banks aren't able to deal with global financial market. But dominant banks of Iran, including the Central Bank, are still be able to deal with abroad and other finance markets. 
"Anti-Iranians" are sure that sanctions will make Iran change its close governing system and relate to the Global System.
Defenders of the Iranian position make sure that Iran Economy is powerful as ever and population supports the government. They declare that: "Sanctions won't work, as they hadn't worked for many years".

             Thank you for attention!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

China and Crisis

I had listened one podcast: BBC Radio - "How well is Chinese Economy doing?"
I had listened the daily news of BBC Radio about Chinese economical politics for last two years. Exactly saying, "How could China keep the national economy invariable, even it could ensure economic development, unlike  other industrial countries?"  The Reporter and invited guests tried to clarify the main points of  Chinese Growth. I would like you to look through my synopsis about the given discussion....
  Of course, the global economic crisis made everyone complain, besides Chinese population. And this situation is going on today. The main question is, "How well the Chinese economy really do?"  According to the economical statistics of 2009, GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of all industrial countries had decreased because of the global economic crisis in 2008-2009-2010(?). Only China had been able to achieve a 10% increase of GDP. From this, it's clear that, China has had the fastest GDP Growth during the last period. Indexes show that, this country is the II biggest stock market in the World. It may be seem unbelievable, but China owns the biggest economy in the World.

This is not a secret that, China is not an industrial country, but how has it been able to achieve this level of development? The first reason is the Chinese Government economic policy. So, in this country the property prices are too high, and of course, isn't attractive for population to buy houses in urban places. And in the result population prefer countryside to industrial cities. Relatively this makes the countrysides develop. In the result GDP grows. The second reason is the population's movement abroad. This helps China to keep it currency's course invariable and allocate it products all over the World. And the third cause is the Chinese population or "Human capital". In one hand, Chinese is very big and this makes very big problems while allocating resources. But in other hand, this enables China to to control the particular part of the World Market. 
The main target of Chinese economy is to achieve a 9% Growth in 2010. But it also must be considered that, Chinese population grows by 1% each year and this is about 13.000.000 people.  This index must be treated, because GDP growth isn't the real index of Economic Growth. 

"How to preserve the Economic Growth high if GDP decreases?"  - this is the main question, that China must solve.

But nowadays, main target of Chinese Economic Policy is to rank the second place in the World after USA. Even China competes with the USA. I had read in a recently published article, "The USA is going on losing to China!" But it's still unknown if it will be second, because the economic system is rich in unexpected surprises. 

That's all. Thank you for attention!

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Hi everyone............. You Welcome!