I had listened the daily news of BBC Radio about Chinese economical politics for last two years. Exactly saying, "How could China keep the national economy invariable, even it could ensure economic development, unlike other industrial countries?" The Reporter and invited guests tried to clarify the main points of Chinese Growth. I would like you to look through my synopsis about the given discussion....
Of course, the global economic crisis made everyone complain, besides Chinese population. And this situation is going on today. The main question is, "How well the Chinese economy really do?" According to the economical statistics of 2009, GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of all industrial countries had decreased because of the global economic crisis in 2008-2009-2010(?). Only China had been able to achieve a 10% increase of GDP. From this, it's clear that, China has had the fastest GDP Growth during the last period. Indexes show that, this country is the II biggest stock market in the World. It may be seem unbelievable, but China owns the biggest economy in the World.
This is not a secret that, China is not an industrial country, but how has it been able to achieve this level of development? The first reason is the Chinese Government economic policy. So, in this country the property prices are too high, and of course, isn't attractive for population to buy houses in urban places. And in the result population prefer countryside to industrial cities. Relatively this makes the countrysides develop. In the result GDP grows. The second reason is the population's movement abroad. This helps China to keep it currency's course invariable and allocate it products all over the World. And the third cause is the Chinese population or "Human capital". In one hand, Chinese is very big and this makes very big problems while allocating resources. But in other hand, this enables China to to control the particular part of the World Market.
The main target of Chinese economy is to achieve a 9% Growth in 2010. But it also must be considered that, Chinese population grows by 1% each year and this is about 13.000.000 people. This index must be treated, because GDP growth isn't the real index of Economic Growth.
"How to preserve the Economic Growth high if GDP decreases?" - this is the main question, that China must solve.
But nowadays, main target of Chinese Economic Policy is to rank the second place in the World after USA. Even China competes with the USA. I had read in a recently published article, "The USA is going on losing to China!" But it's still unknown if it will be second, because the economic system is rich in unexpected surprises.
That's all. Thank you for attention!
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