Here is the podcast, I listened:
BBC Daily World News Service / 28.05.2010 /
I had listened only the first part of the podcast, three times. As usual, there had been some unclear words an phrases, whic I faced while listening to this podcast. Even there had been unclear words, that I hadn't been able to understand at all.On the whole, the given problems is too interesting and really actual. And it worth reading and treating.
So, as for me this article will interest you, too.

The reason, why most Chinese companies face disadvantage, is the economic situation in the big European countries, such as, France, Germany and Netherlands. Because, the countries, mentioned above, are the main consumers of the chinese companies.
But in fact, most business operations are run in US dollars, that's why, the Euro crisis hasn't been able to damage the Chinese economy.
On other hand, in spite of everything, the Euro crisis doesn't affect the effort of the central European nations th join the single currency blog - the Euro. The question is, why the countries still want to join the Euro!? Specialists explain this situation, so: "It's a right choice for small economies to be within Eurozone, since common monetary policy should help the countries in long term perspectives.
Thank you for attention!
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